
I just listened to a tech talk by Linux Torvald on git. I was sold — I need to try it for my Java programming.

Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git

My big question is how much it is integrated into Eclipse. I think there is a plugin:

GitWiki: Eclipse Plugin

I will let you know when I get things figured out.

HP: $1000 Latch

From the looks of this article, you should never send your laptop in to HP for service:

InfoWorld: HP’s $1000 Latch

Also, I just talked to a co-worker who had an HP laptop.  I think it was very similar to my old one.  The plastic around the screen had cracked, and he believed it was poor design.  He talked with another acquaintance that had the same problem confirming the idea of poor design.  He had bought the extended warranty, and so it was still under warranty.  After talking with a foreigner, they informed him that it would cost about $300 to repair.  He said no and had them ship it back to him.  Now, he uses a Lenovo laptop and said he would never buy an HP again.

He also works at a large firm that uses HP servers.  The support staff told him that if they have to call HP they hang up when they get a support technician in India.  They try again until they get a person in the United States.  The problem is not a matter of prejudice but a matter of communication.  Trouble with the English language and only following a script are not successful ingredients to technical support!

Using sha1sum to Verify CDs

Verify an iso image

The simple way:

sha1sum Fedora-7-Live-i686.iso

If an sha1sum file was delivered with the iso image, you can use this command.

sha1sum -c SHA1SUM

The -c tells the program to read files out of the SHA1SUM text file and generate sha1sums on all of those files. Then, it compares the generated value to the value in the text file and tells you if it matches.

Verify a CD

Use this after you have burn the iso image to the CD.

sha1sum /dev/hdc

The source that I found says to use the actual device rather than a link (instead of /dev/cdrom).

Using Windows

Versions of md5sum for Windows:

You can get sha1sum from here:


Verify downloaded iso integrity with md5sum or sha1sum

sha1sum(1) – Linux man page

YumEx New Version — Colors

I just updated to the new version of yumex and noticed that they added a color coding scheme to the updates.

Here is what I found the colors mean:

  • Red = updating package
  • Blue = obsoleting package
  • Green = installed package
  • Black = uninstalled package


Changes / New Features for version 1.9.4 (documents colors)


on SourceForge


I just found out that Ethereal has been renamed to Wireshark.

to install:
yum install wireshark


Strategic Developer: Wireshark

Link: Migrating to Linux

InfoWorld’s Zack Urlocker pointed out 3 tools to aide in migrating data from Windows to Linux in his article Moving from Windows to Linux.

Three Tools

  1. Ubuntu: has built-in tools to move the information from Windows
  2. MoveOver
  3. Desktop Migration Agent

These tools look very interesting. I think a database of applications would be more helpful for me. I don’t have as much trouble moving my data from one place to another, but finding Linux applications to replace the Windows applications is where I have the most trouble.

Interestingly enough, I came across this article shortly after. The section “The application situation” had some very helpful tips including this source:

The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux.